Registration is processed through Play Football, below you will find a summary of key information and FAQs regarding the changes to the process in 2025.

For up-to-date and detailed information, please visit the Play Football website

Further help and information from Play Football can be found here:
Play Foot Ball Support


The new system is easier to navigate on a laptop/desktop rather than a mobile phone.
When re-registering, please ensure you RECLAIM your participant record to avoid duplication.
Please read instruction provided by Play Football on how to reclaim profiles.
If this is done incorrectly, it can affect your eligibility to register and will require FFA involvement to resolve the issue.

You should check your details in the old system prior to accessing the new system as everything will need to be the same.
Your login details (email and password) will be the same on the new platform.
Parent/child relationships will need to be reestablished, there are family management options that will allow parents to add children to their profile.

If you experience issues when trying to register, reclaim profiles or add children to your profile, please contact Play Football Support:

Telephone: 02 8880 7983

Hours: Mon-Fri 10am - 9pm AEDT

Hours: Sat 10am - 3pm AEDT